Permanent Eyebrows are a long term solution to having eyebrows full and always beautiful. There are two techniques to permanent eyebrows, one technique is the solid eyebrows, solid eyebrows have been in the market for many years and are very well at complimenting your face structure.Hair by hair simmulations, also known as feathers, is a much newer technique to making eyebrows look extremely natural. Both procedures are done in the same way but with different techniques.
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Eyelash extentions are not permanent, but they are long lasting and addictive! our eyelashes are placed one by one, so you get about 60 to 70 lashes on each eye. Wether it is for a special ocasion or daily use, eyelash extentions are great at flattering your face and giving a nice pop to your eyes.
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Eyeliner also enhances the shape of the eye and the appearance of thick eyelashes. In addition, when the eye is closed, color is visible on the lid and this is how it differs from a lash enhancement. This creates more drama for the eye. The shape of the eye can be modified using eyeliner, by increasing or decreasing the thickness of the eyeliner. For instance, many women prefer the outer, upper eyelid to be enhanced with a slightly thicker application of color than at the inner aspect which elongates the appearance of the eye, as well as makes the eyes look a little larger and further apart.
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With lip shaping, you will enjoy a slight lift to your natural lip color and a lip shape that is enhanced...that is, your own natural lips will be defined, and more shapely.
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This is an obvious line accentuating the vermilion border of the lips. Araceli's may suggest Lip Liner with a Blend, which decreases the appearance of a distinct line. When a client desires an increase in the shape of the lips, full lip color is the better choice.
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This is the complete lip -- lip shape is enhanced plus color is added for shapely, colorful lips.
*All lip enhancements noted above help prevent the "bleeding" of applied traditional lipstick. "Bleeding" refers to the escape of applied lipstick into the little vertical lines above and below mature lips.
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No, Aracelis cannot enhance the appearance of your mole!
But, yes, she can create the appearance of one where none exists!
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